My name is Sydney Herrera and I purchased Stacker 2.0 with the Co-processor board in early November 92. Now my understanding is that having a co-processor offloads some of the processing from the CPU, so that the CPU has more cycles to perform those non 'transparent' tasks. If that premise is true, then a coprocessor is a desirable thing, but I have noticed that several stores (eg. CompUSA and Frys) that carry Stacker 2.0 no longer carry the coprocessed version, and Stac Electronics have discontinued the coprocessor in version 3.0 of their disk compression product. Why am I seemingly ranting, well I'm pissed because the coprocessor worked fine for about six weeks then I started having problems. With increasing frequency the coprocessor would not function until now two months later it just plain does not work. Accept an upgrade to Stacker 3.0 you say? Well the coprocessor cost too much for the service I received, if it was just one bad one then hey, stuff happens but if you or someone you know has had a similar problem then *** I would like to hear about it ***.. I am really curious why several stores discontinued the coprocessed version of this otherwise excellent product. Maybe there's nothing here; maybe ...